Mastery of all
K2, K3, and K4 skills in addition to:
(Please note that children learn to read at different times.
Not every 4-year-old is developmentally ready to read - do not
push your child to read)
- The child should accomplish the
following phonics skills:
- Ending double consonants; help,
jump, belt, sand, etc.
- The letter "S" added to
the end of words to make plurals; cats, dogs, goats, nuts, etc.
- 's added to words so show possession;
Ann's, cat's, Bob's, etc.
- Simple consonant blends; st, bl, cl, tr, sw, etc.
- Special consonant blends; sh, ch, wh, ph, kn.
- Single ending vowel that is long;
we, he, me, she, so, go, no, etc.
- The "ay" combination;
pray, hay, play, etc.
- The "oy" combination;
boy, toy, etc.
- The letter "Y" making
the long sound of i; fly, sky, etc.
- ar, er,
and ir; star, car, turn, church, fir,
- all; ball, call, stall, etc.
- ing; bring, sing, string, king, etc.
(single syllables)
- The addition of the sight words
"to" and "you"
- Reading longer and more difficult
- Blending consonants and vowels
together more smoothly while reading.
- Grammar skills include recognizing
that sentences start with a capital letter and end with a period,
question mark or exclamation point.
- Understands rhyming words.
- Many poems committed to memory.
- Library skills include proper
conduct, book care, role of the
librarian, book selection and checkout procedure. Child should
have their own library card if your
library permits it.
- Presentation of short speeches,
(show and tell).
- Can retell stories in his own words.
- Good use of synonyms; i.e. couch -
sofa, trash - garbage, etc.
- Can make up a logical ending to a
- Recites full name, full address and
telephone number as well as parents full names.
Mastery of all
K2, K3, and K4 skills in addition to:
- Penmanship improving.
- Able to use #2 pencil.
- Can write all letters from memory. Can
write dictated words. Can write simple dictated sentences.
- Can write simple sentences completely on their own.
Mastery of all
K2, K3, and K4 skills in addition to:
- Can count by 2's, 5's, and 10's.
- Knows the ordinal numbers first to
- Recognizes number words from one to
- Writes numbers to 100 from memory.
- Understands greater than and less
- Simple story problems.
- Addition and subtraction through
- Measurements; can measure with a
ruler and understands longer and shorter and heavier and lighter.
- Can tell time on an analog clock to
the quarter of the hour. Can read a digital clock correctly.
Mastery of all
K2, K3, and K4 skills in addition to:
- Understands the five senses.
- Can identify sweet, sour, bitter,
and salty.
- Knows weather terms.
- Knows the four seasons.
Mastery of all
K2, K3, and K4 skills in addition to:
- Knows about the various holidays.
- Knows about the American flag
(fifty stars for fifty states, 13 stripes for the 13 original
- Can recite the Pledge of
- Beginning map skills; recognizes the
United States and his home state.
- Knows the names of several other
- Knows the directions north, south,
east, and west.
- Knows about Christopher Columbus.
- Knows the story of the Pilgrims
including the name of the Mayflower, why they came to America and
the first Thanksgiving story.
The Bible
instruction and spiritual growth training for the first four years
consists of a basic overview of the major stories and characters of the
Bible as well as the study of the Christian character traits and basic
doctrinal truths. Teaching the school subject of "Bible and
Spiritual Growth" is not a substitute for daily, family devotional
time nor Christian service/mission work. The
three go hand-in-hand. The Bible truths the child learns in school are
put into practical use during devotion time and Christian
service/mission work. The kindergarten version of Hands on
Homeschooling focuses on the Biblical celebrations (mostly Old
Testament holidays).
Mastery of all K2, K3, and K4 skills in addition to:
- Able to pray without relying on
memorized prayers.
- Actively participating in family
devotion time.
- Actively involved in Christian
- Has "quiet time" with a children's
Bible; looking at the pictures and reading simple stories.
- Memorizing longer passages of
scripture. (The Lord's Prayer for example)
- Very familiar with major Bible
characters and stories as well as doctrine and character traits.
Mastery of all
K2, K3, and K4 skills in addition to:
- Knows the names of days, months,
and holidays.
- Understands today, yesterday, and
- Understands a calendar.
- Computer skills: Able to run programs
without assistance, familiar with keyboard layout,
uses the mouse without difficulty, computer terms, computer
respect and care.
Mastery of all
K2, K3, and K4 skills in addition to:
- Mixing of colors to get new colors.
- Explains the story behind own art
- Appreciation of art work of others.
- Introduction to the different types
of art forms, paintings, sculpting, etc.
- Introduction to the art of
different cultures.
Mastery of all
K2, K3, and K4 skills in addition to:
- Playing of simple musical
- Beginning music reading skills.
- Listening to different styles of
music including the music of different cultures
- Exploration of music as a ministry.
- Improved singing skills; timing,
proper loudness, proper posture.
Mastery of all
K2, K3, and K4 skills in addition to:
- Rules of games.
- Sportsmanship.
- Care of outdoor equipment.
- Safety.
- Relationship between activity,
rest, and nourishment to promote a healthy lifestyle.
This is not covered
explicitly in the curricula, but child should have mastery of all K2,
K3, K4 skills in addition to:
- Understands that every family
member is expected to contribute to the household activities.
- Willingly and cheerfully helps with
the household chores.
- Increasing responsibility.
- Both boys and girls should be
learning kitchen safety and helping with the cooking. Children
should also be helping dad with the outside activities; yard work,
car maintenance, etc. Although girls can focus more on
"domestic" things and boys can focus more on
"maintenance" things, I think both genders should be
taught the basics in all categories so they will be better
equipped to deal with the real world when they leave home.
- Proper behavior in different
settings and at different functions, i.e,
out in the public, at friend's houses, at a store, at church, when
guests are visiting, etc.
- Should be using good manners
consistently without reminding.
- Should be consistent with regular
routines without reminding; for example, after getting up in the
morning the child should remember to get dressed, make the bed,
brush hair, etc, before coming to
This is not
covered explicitly in the curricula, but child should have master of
all K2, K3, and K4 skills in addition to:
- Able to take care of all personal
hygiene needs without assistance. (However, parents should
continue to watch the child brush their teeth until age 6 to
ensure that child consistently brushes correctly. Mom should also
help with running bath water at the proper temperature and always
supervise a child in any form of water).