Mastery of all
K2 and K3 skills in addition to:
(Please note that children learn to read at different times. Not
every 4-year-old is developmentally ready to read - do not push
your child to read)
- The child should accomplish the
following phonics skills:
- Consonant/vowel blends. Either
beginning blends like ba be bi bo bu or ending blends like at it as op ig. (It depends on which method of teaching
phonics you prefer.)
- Short vowel words; for example,
hat bat sun can top.
- Double ending consonants that make
one sound; for example, bill duck bell tack Matt.
- Long vowel sounds.
- Two vowel words with the first
vowel being long and the second being silent; for example, boat
gate feet name.
- Knows the following sight words; I,
a, the.
- Can read sentences with the above
words; for example, Is the cat in the
sun? Can the duck get in the mud? His name is Joe. Joe has a red
- Can read beginning readers that
cover the above phonics concepts.
- Recognizes ending punctuation;
period, question mark and exclamation point.
- Can match a written word to its
Mastery of all
K2 and K3 skills in addition to:
- Penmanship improving. Uses a
preschool pencil while writing.
- Can copy all letters, upper and
lower case. Copies complete words and complete sentences.
- Can write all letters from memory.
Mastery of all
K2 and K3 skills in addition to:
- Can count out loud to 100.
- Recognizes written numbers to 100.
- Adds numbers through 10; first with
story problems like "Kelly has one apple; if Katie gives
Kelly another apple, how many apples will Kelly have?" then
equations like 1+1=2. Accomplishes this with the use of
manipulatives, (buttons etc.)
- Can read addition equations and
used proper terminology. (Five plus one equals six.)
- Writes numbers to 20 from memory.
- Matches written numbers (numerals, not
number words) to corresponding sets of objects.
- Able to tell time on the whole hour
and on the half hour.
Mastery of all
K2 and K3 skills in addition to:
- Understands the concept of creation.
- Understands the concept that seeds
grow into plants.
- Understands the concept that babies
grow up into adults, whether it be human or animal.
Mastery of all
K2 and K3 skills in addition to:
- Understand the concept of rules and
consequences in regard to living in a community. (Obeying stop
signs, not littering etc.)
- Familiar with several different
- Knows a little bit about the state
you live in. (The name, where it is located on the map.)
instruction and spiritual growth training during the four
preschool/kindergarten years consists of a basic overview of the major
stories and characters of the Old and New Testaments as well as the
study of Christian character traits and basic doctrinal truths.
Teaching the school subject of "Bible And Spiritual Growth"
is not a substitution for daily, family devotional time nor Christian service/mission work.
Mastery of all K2 and K3 skills in addition to:
- Daily prayers should have more ad libbing and less use of memorized prayers.
- Should understand that prayer is
talking to God and that we need to thank and praise Him as well as
asking Him to help us with our needs.
- Child is learning some doctrinal
truths like "Jesus died on the cross for our sins,"
"Jesus came back to life after he died" and the Trinity.
- Understands the concept of sin and
- Knows many Bible stories and characters
and should be able to tell you in his own
words simple Bible stories instead of just being able to answer
questions about them.
- Memorizing longer Bible verses and
retaining them longer.
- Knows many children's Bible songs
and choruses from popular hymns.
Mastery of all
K2 and K3 skills in addition to:
- Can "color in the lines."
- Can draw shapes from memory.
- Can fold papers in half correctly.
- Can draw simple pictures from memory
like houses, people, trees, flowers etc. (Good enough to be
- Can line up objects in order from
smallest to largest and largest to smallest.
- Recognizes patterns; i.e. if you
put a red Lego block then a blue then a yellow then a red then a
blue the child should know that yellow would come next.
- Recites full name, full address,
telephone number and parents' full names.
Mastery of all
K2 and K3 skills in addition to:
- More hands on crafts requiring more
dexterity and small muscle coordination. (Working with smaller
- Creates less mess when painting
- Uses art/crafts supplies and tools
correctly and knows their proper care.
Mastery of all
K2 and K3 skills in addition to:
- Increased recognition of contrasts;
loud vs. soft, fast vs. slow, high pitch vs. low pitch.
- Increased familiarity with all the
different kinds of instruments and the sounds that they make.
Mastery of all
K2 and K3 skills in addition to:
- Enjoys outdoor games;
duck-duck-goose, ring-around-the-rosy, hide-and-go-seek etc.
- Participates in organized exercise;
aerobics, calisthenics.
- Understands taking turns and
- Increased coordination; hopping in
one foot, walking along a balance beam or straight line.
- Increased simple tumbling skills;
- Dances in time/rhythm to music.
Mastery of all
K2 and K3 skills in addition to:
- More independence accomplishing the
K3 skills.
- Helps empty the small trash cans in
the house.
- Takes care of the pets. (Feed,
water and brushing; mom and dad to help with the bathing and nail
- Helps wash the family vehicle.
- Helps out in the yard. (Sweeping
sidewalks, helping in the garden, picking up small, fallen
branches etc.)
- Answers the telephone correctly.
Mastery of all
K2 and K3 skills in addition to:
- Able to take care of all personal
hygiene needs without assistance. (However, parents should
continue to watch the child brush their teeth until age six to
ensure the child consistently brushes correctly). Girls will still
need help putting hair up into ponytails.